Lower Back Pain: Your First Adjustment

Lower Back Pain: Your First Adjustment
The lower back interconnects your bones in your body, along with muscles, ligaments, and nerves. Although the lower back is very flexible, it can easily be injured, leaving you in severe, chronic pain.
The cause of lower back pain varies. Because it supports your upper body weight and everyday mobility, pressure is applied often during bending and/or twisting. Muscles in the lower back provide flexibility, while the nerves apply power in the pelvis, legs, and feet. Most lower back pain comes from incidents such as car accidents and sports-related injuries. Your body is reacting to the inflammation the injury has caused.
You can have a wide range of symptoms involving lower back pain, including and not limited to:
- Dull or achy pain
- Stinging or burning pain
- Muscle spasms
- Difficulty standing upright, or even, sitting down
After being examined by Dr. Jean, he will let you know your pain levels. A recurring flare up means that your pain symptoms occur periodically, but not often. Acute pain defines the type of pain that lasts a few days or weeks, while subacute pain may last months. Chronic pain is the worst out of all of these--it is usually severe, very painful, and lasts for years.
Dr. Jean will decide what chiropractic adjustment will be best for your lower back. The objective of treatment is to reduce the “subluxation,” or a partial abnormal separation of a joint. This will help improve functions such as range of motion and nerve stability.
An adjustment may or may not include a relieving sensation most of the time, sometimes causing a little discomfort after the first adjustment with sore limbs and/or muscles. The side effect should only last the first 24 hours you receive your adjustment.
After the initial adjustment, Dr. Jean will ask you to be cautious with your movement and continue common forms of chiropractic therapy such as hot and/or cold press, exercise, massage, and sometimes, dietary management.
In the first month of your adjustment, Dr. Jean will ask you to come back every week until he is comfortable seeing you every other week. Eventually, if your adjustment goes well, your visits will become more infrequent, but he will always be on-hand if you fall out of alignment.
Chiropractor located in Fredericksburg, VA | LOWER BACK PAIN
Desiring Health Specific Chiropractic serves patients in the Fredericksburg, VA and surrounding Northern Virginia areas like Stafford, King George, Falmouth, and Spotsylvania.
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